
These are some works that LIOrg takes as basis for what it studies:


Adamoglu de Oliveira, S., & Bulgacov, Y. L. M. (2013). Wittgenstein e a Administração: Potencialidades da Pragmática da Linguagem aos Estudos Organizacionais e à Estratégia. Revista de Administração Contemporânea, 17(5), 556-573.

Ahearn, L. M. (2001). Language and Agency. Annual Review of Anthropology, 30, 109-137.

Alvesson, M. (1993). Organizations as Rhetoric: Knowledge-Intensive Firms and the Struggle with Ambiguity. Journal of Management Studies, 30(6), 997-1015.

Alvesson, M., & Kärreman, D. (2000). Taking the Linguistic Turn in Organizational Research: Challenges, Responses, Consequences. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 36(2), 136-158.

Bitektine, A., Haack, P., Bothello, J., & Mair, J. (2020). Inhabited Actors: Internalizing Institutions Through Communication and Actorhood Models. Journal of Management Studies, 57(4), 885-897.

Brown, A. D., Ainsworth, S., & Grant, D. (2012). The Rhetoric of Institutional Change. Organization Studies, 33(3), 297-321.

Cornelissen, J. P., Durand, R., Fiss, P. C., Lammers, J. C., & Vaara, E. (2015). Putting Communication Front and Center in Institutional Theory and Analysis. Academy of Management Review, 40(1), 10-27.

Fayard, A-L. (2017). Language Games: A Conceptual Lens for Studying the Co-Production of Materiality, Practice, and Discourse. Communication Research and Practice, 3(3), 265-281.

Green Jr, S. E., & Li, Y. (2011). Rhetorical Institutionalism: Language, Agency, and Structure in Institutional Theory Since Alvesson 1993. Journal of Management Studies, 48(7), 1662-1697.

Green Jr, S. E., Babb, M., & Alpaslan, C. M. (2008). Institutional Field Dynamics and the Competition Between Institutional Logics: The Role of Rhetoric in the Evolving Control of the Modern Corporation. Management Communication Quarterly, 22(1), 40-73.

Kjeldsen, A. K. (2013). Strategic Communication Institutionalized: A Scandinavian Perspective. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(2), 223-242.

Lammers, J. C., & Barbour, J. B. (2006). An Institutional Theory of Organizational Communication. Communication Theory, 16(3), 356-377.

Leeuwen, T. V. (2007). Legitimation in Discourse and Communication. Discourse & Communication, 1(1), 91-112.

Li, Yuan. (2017). A Semiotic Theory of Institutionalization. Academy of Management Review, 42(3), 520-547.

Loewenstein, J. (2014). Take My Word For it: How Professional Vocabularies Foster Organizing. Journal of Professions and Organization, 1, 65-83.

Loewenstein, J., Ocasio, W., & Jones, C. (2012). Vocabularies and Vocabulary Structure: A New Approach Linking Categories, Practices and Institutions. The Academy of Management Annals, 6(1), 41-86.

Luckmann, T. (2008). On Social Interaction and the Communicative Construction of Personal Identity, Knowledge and Reality. Organization Studies, 29(2), 277-290.

Maguire, S., & Hardy, C. (2009). Discourse and Deinstitutionalization: The Decline of DDT. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 148-178.

Mantere, S. (2013). What is Organizational Strategy? A Language-Based View. Journal of Management Studies, 50(8), 1408-1426.

Meyer, J. W. (2005). Management Models as Popular Discourse. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 21(2), 133-136.

Meyer, J. W., & Bromley, P. (2013). The Worldwide Expansion of “Organization”. Sociological Theory, 31(4), 366-389.

Meyer, R. E., Jancsary, D., Höllerer, M. A., & Boxenbaum, E. (2018). The Role of Verbal and Visual Text in the Process of Institutionalization. Academy of Management Review, 43(3), 392-418.

Meyer, R. E., & Vaara, E. (2020). Institutions and Actorhood as Co-Constitutive and Co-Constructed: The Argument and Areas for Future Research. Journal of Management Studies, 57(4), 898-910.

Misangyi, V. F. (2016). Institutional Complexity and the Meaning of Loose Coupling: Connecting Institutional Sayings and (Not) Doings. Strategic Organization, 14(4), 407-440.

Napoli, P. M. (2014). Automated Media: An Institutional Theory Perspective on Algorithmic Media Production and Consumption. Communication Theory, 24(3), 340-360.

Ocasio, W., Loewenstein, J., & Nigam, A. (2015). How Streams of Communication Reproduce and Change Institutional Logics: The Role of Categories. Academy of Management Review, 40(1), 28-48.

Pallas, J., Fredriksson, M., & Wedlin, L. (2016). Translating Institutional Logics: When the Media Logic Meets Professions. Organization Studies, 37(11), 1661-1684.

Phillips, N., & Oswick, C. (2012). Organizational Discourse: Domains, Debates, and Directions. The Academy of Management Annals, 6(1), 435-481.

Samier, E. (1997). Administrative Ritual and Ceremony: Social Aesthetics, Myth and Language Use in the Rituals of Everyday Organizational Life. Educational Management & Administration, 25(4), 417-436.

Sanden, G. R. (2016). Language: The Sharpest Tool in the Strategy Toolbox. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 21(3), 274-288.

Sandhu, S. (2009). Strategic Communication: An Institutional Perspective. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 3(2), 72-92.

Schmidt, V. A. (2008). Discursive Institutionalism: The Explanatory Power of Ideas and Discourse. Annual Review of Political Science, 11, 303-326.

Searle, J. R. (2005). What is an Institution? Journal of Institutional Economics, 1(1), 1-22.

Seo, M-G., & Creed, W. E. D. (2002). Institutional Contradictions, Praxis and Institutional Change: A Dialectical Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 27(2), 222-247.

Sillince, J. A. A., & Barker, J. R. (2012). A Tropological Theory of Institutionalization. Organization Studies, 33(1), 7-38.

Suddaby, R., & Greenwood, R. (2005). Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy. Administrative Science Quarterly, 50(1), 35-67.

Taylor, J. R. (2011). Organization as an (Imbricated) Configuring of Transactions. Organization Studies, 32(9), 1273-1294.

Taylor, J. R., Cooren, F., Giroux, N., & Robichaud, D. (1996). The Communicational Basis of Organization: Between the Conversation and the Text. Communication Theory, 6(1), 1-39.

Zerfass, A. (2009). Institutionalizing Strategic Communication: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 3(2), 69-71.

(Debate on "Discursive Institutionalism" – "Dialogue" Section of Academy of Management Review)

Phillips, N., Lawrence, T. B., & Hardy, C. (2004). Discourse and Institutions. Academy Management Review, 29(4), 635-652.

Lok, J., & Willmott, H. (2006). Dialogue – Institutional Theory, Language and Discourse Analysis: A Comment on Phillips, Lawrence and Hardy. Academy of Management Review, 31(2), 477-480.

Phillips, N., Lawrence, T. B., & Hardy, C. (2006). Dialogue – Discussing “Discourse and Institutions”: A Reply to Lok and Willmott. Academy Management Review, 31(2), 480-483.

(Debate on "Institutional Messages" –"Forum" Section of Management Communication Quarterly)

Lammers, J. C. (2011a). Management Communication Quarterly Forum: Institutionalism and Organizational Communication. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 151-153.

Lammers, J. C. (2011b). How Institutions Communicate: Institutional Messages, Institutional Logics, and Organizational Communication. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 154-182.

Suddaby, R. (2011). How Communication Institutionalizes: A Response to Lammers. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 183-190.

Hardy, C. (2011). How Institutions Communicate; Or How Does Communicating Institutionalize? Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 191-199.

Barley, S. R. (2011). Signifying Institutions. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 200-206.

Book chapters

Bradford, J. H. (2012). Communication, Language and the Emergence of Social Orders (pp. 99-149). In: Dahms, H. F., & Hazelrigg, L. (Eds.). Current Perspectives in Social Theory – Theorizing Modern Society as a Dynamic Process (Emerald Book Series), Volume 30. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Fredriksson, M., & Pallas, J. (2015). Strategic Communication as Institutional Work (pp. 143-156). In: Hotlzhausen, D., & Zerfass, A. (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Strategic Communication. New York: Routledge.

Gehman, J., Lounsbury, M., & Greenwood, R. (2016). How Institutions Matter: From the Micro Foundations of Institutional Impacts to the Macro Consequences of Institutional Arrangements (pp. 1-34). In: Gehman, J., Lounsbury, M., & Greenwood, R. (Eds.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations – How Institutions Matter! (Emerald Book Series), Volume 48A. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Grimi, E. (2020). Language, Morality, and Legitimacy (pp. 69-80). In: Rendtorff, J. B. (Ed.). Handbook of Business Legitimacy: Responsibility, Ethics and Society. Switzerland: Springer International Publisher.

Harmon, D. J. (2020). Arguments and Institutions (pp. 3-21). In: Haack, P., Sieweke, J., & Wessel, L. (Eds.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations – Microfoundations of Institutions (Emerald Book Series). Volume 65B. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Hindriks, F. (2011). Language and Society (pp. 137-152). In: Jarvie, I. C., & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences. 1. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Lammers, J. C., & Garcia, M. A. (2014). Institutional Theory (pp. 195-216). In: Putnam, L. L., & Mumby, D. K. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Communication: Advances in Theory, Research, and Methods. 3. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Lammers, J. C., & Garcia, M. A. (2017). Institutional Theory Approaches (pp. 1-10). In: Scott, C. R., Barker, J. R., Kuhn, T., Keyton, J., Turner, P. K., & Lewis, L. K. (Eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Lammers, J. C., & Jackson, S. A. (2014). The Institutionality of a Mediatized Organizational Environment (pp. 36-53). In: Pallas, J., Strannegård, L., & Jonsson, S. (Eds.). Organizations and the Media: Organizing in a Mediatized World. New York, NY: Routledge.

Loewenstein, J. (2019). Culture and Language (pp. 246-267). In: Cohen, D., & Kitayama, S. (Eds.). Handbook of Cultural Psychology. 2. ed. New York: The Guilford Press.

Lounsbury, M., Anderson, D. A., & Spee, P. (2021). On Practice and Institution (pp. 1-28). In: Lounsbury, M., Anderson, D. A., & Spee, P. (Eds.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations – On Practice and Institution: Theorizing the Interface (Emerald Book Series). Volume 70. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Pallas, J., Jonsson, S., & Strannegård, L. (2014). Media and Organizations: Images, Practices and Organizing (pp. 1-12). In: Pallas, J., Strannegård, L., & Jonsson, S. (Eds.). Organizations and the Media: Organizing in a Mediatized World. New York, NY: Routledge.

Phillips, N., & Malhotra, N. (2008). Taking Social Construction Seriously: Extending the Discursive Approach in Institutional Theory (pp. 702-720). In: Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Sahlin, K., & Suddaby, R. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Phillips, N., & Malhotra, N. (2017). Language, Cognition and Institutions: Studying Institutionalization Using Linguistic Methods (pp. 392-417). In: Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Lawrence, T., & Meyer, R. E. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. 2. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Powell, W. W., & Rerup, C. (2017). Opening the Black Box: The Microfoundations of Institutions (pp. 311-337). In: Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Lawrence, T., & Meyer, R. E. (Ed.). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. 2. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Sandhu, S. (2017). Organization as Communication and Institutional Theory: Opportunities for Communicative Convergence? (pp. 79-102). In: Blaschke, S., & Schoeneborn, D. (Eds.). Organization as Communication: Perspectives in Dialogue. New York, NY: Routledge.

Schultz, F., Suddaby, R., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2014). The Role of Business Media in Constructing Rational Myths of Organizations (pp. 14-35). In: Pallas, J., Strannegård, L., & Jonsson, S. (Eds.). Organizations and the Media: Organizing in a Mediatized World. New York, NY: Routledge.

Searle, J. R. (2007). What is Language? Some Preliminary Remarks (pp. 15-45). In: Tsohatzidis, S. L. (Ed.). John Searle’s Philosophy of Language: Force, Meaning, and Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Smets, M., Aristidou, A., & Whittington, R. (2017). Towards a Practice-Driven Institutionalism (pp. 365-391). In: Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Lawrence, T., & Meyer, R. E. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. 2. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Surachaikulwattana, P., & Phillips, N. (2017). Institutions as Process (pp. 372-386). In: Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies. 1 ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Taylor, J. R. (2014). Impersonating the Organization: Reflections on the Communicative Constitution of Organization (pp. 17-38). In: Cooren, F., Vaara, E., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies). New York: Oxford University Press.

Zilber, T. B. (2021). Practice-Driven Institutionalism: A Path Toward a Fruitful Borrowing (pp. 225-241). In: Lounsbury, M., Anderson, D. A., & Spee, P. (Eds.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations – On Practice and Institution: Theorizing the Interface (Emerald Book Series). Volume 70. Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley.

Zucker, L. (1983). Organizations as Institutions (pp. 1-47). In: Bacharach, S. B. (Ed.). Research in the Sociology of Organizations (Emerald Book Series). Volume 2. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.


Austin, J. L. (1990). Quando Dizer é Fazer: Palavras e Ação. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.

Bernstein, R. J. (2010). The Pragmatic Turn. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Cooren, F., Vaara, E., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). (2014). Language and Communication at Work: Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing. New York: Oxford University Press. (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)

Everett, Daniel L. (2019). Linguagem: A História da Maior Invenção da Humanidade. São Paulo: Contexto.

Herder, Johann Gottfried. (1987). Ensaio Sobre a Origem da Linguagem. Tradução de José M. Justo. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições Antígona.

Lawrence, T. B., & Phillips, N. (2019). Constructing Organizational Life: How Social-Symbolic Work Shapes Selves, Organizations, and Institutions. New York: Oxford University Press.

Phillips, N., & Hardy, C. (2002). Discourse Analysis: Investigating Processes of Social Construction. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications. (Qualitative Research Methods, v. 50)

Reay, T., Zilber, T. B., Langley, A., & Tsoukas, H. (Eds.). (2019). Institutions and Organizations: A Process View. New York: Oxford University Press. (Perspectives on Process Organization Studies)

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (2008). Ensaio Sobre a Origem das Línguas. 3. ed. Campinas, SP: Editora da Unicamp.

Scott, W. R. (2014). Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities. 4. ed. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Searle, J. R. (1981). Os Actos de Fala: Um Ensaio de Filosofia da Linguagem. Coimbra, Portugal: Livraria Almedina.

Searle, J. R. (2000). Mente, Linguagem e Sociedade: Filosofia no Mundo Real. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco.

Searle, J. R. (2010). Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Searle, J. R. (2021). Consciência e Linguagem. 2. ed. São Paulo: WMF Martins Fontes.

Taylor, J. R., & Van Every, E. J. (2011). The Situated Organization: Case Studies in the Pragmatics of Communication Research. New York, NY: Routledge.

Tietze, S., Cohen, L., & Musson, G. (2003). Understanding Organizations Through Language. London, Thousand Oaks, CA & New Dehli: Sage Publications.

Wittgenstein, L. (2009). Investigações Filosóficas. 6. ed. Petrópolis: Vozes