Scientific research project (Notice Universal Call nº 09/2021 – FAPESQ/PB)
Research Support Foundation of the State of Paraíba – FAPESQ/PB
Description and Purpose:
There is growing interest in understanding the contribution of organizations to overcoming large-scale social challenges such as extreme hunger and poverty. At the same time, entrepreneurship seen as an emancipatory act suggests that the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives offers an adequate platform for marginalized individuals in situations of social fragility to be able to establish viable spaces to develop the necessary conditions in order to get rid of situations of misfortune and need. Despite this, few empirical research has been concerned with analyzing the potential of entrepreneurial activity to mitigate misery and poverty and, in particular, little is known about the contribution of cultural entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities in creative industries to poverty reduction and inequality. The project analyzed how initiatives to promote entrepreneurship in the context of creative industries are able to reduce poverty, approaching initiatives of creative economy of crafts and popular art in the municipality of João Pessoa (PB), given their inclusion on the UNESCO list of creative cities in the craft and folk arts category.
Research findings encompassed the following:
On the context of creation and the history of development of creative economy initiatives of crafts and popular art in João Pessoa (PB): Public Management (mainly in the form of the Municipal Government of João Pessoa – PMJP), SEBRAE and the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) were the main institutional actors involved in the development of the creative economy initiatives researched, performing political and technical institutional work that moved the field towards the current configuration and state;
On the process of identity construction from artisans into entrepreneurs: the artisans studied employed strategically constructed narratives to emphasize the transformative role of crafts in the empowerment of historically marginalized groups (such as women and young people), while for many of these individuals, crafts work provides not only a source of income, but also a way of achieving financial autonomy, reducing their economic vulnerability;
On the process of constructing meanings and symbolic elements that made the initiatives successful: narratives have a crucial effect on the performance of craft enterprises, by shedding light on how artisans can gain or lose support from resources and investments. Thus, constructed narratives, especially those that combine tradition and innovation, reinforce cultural identity and ensure the legitimacy of artisans in the market, attracting consumers and the support of relevant institutional actors. By sharing their entrepreneurial narratives, artisans not only promote the dissemination of local culture, but also strengthen tourism and contribute to inclusive social development and economic growth in the region. These narratives, therefore, function as essential discursive tools for identity construction in the creative economy of crafts and popular art in João Pessoa (PB), representing a structuring component for the survival and prosperity of artisan enterprises;
On the contribution of cultural entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities in creative industries to reduce poverty and inequality: 'Cultural Entrepreneurship' allowed to investigate the cultural and social factors that involve crafts activity, enabling us to identify how artisans' identities are constructed, the meaning of their work and the signifiers of craftsmanship, generating access to resources and creating wealth. Hence, craftsmanship and the creative economy can be understood as cultural phenomena that are socially constructed, resulting from patterns of action and languages defined by social relations.
Creative Economy; Cultural Entrepreneurship; Crafts; Poverty; Inequality.
Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira (coordinator), Diego Maganhotto Coraiola (associate coordinator), Jéssica Micaelly Santana do Nascimento Silva (researcher), Luciene Alencar Firmo Abrantes (researcher), Jéssica Monteiro Valverde (researcher), Mariene Cavalcante Borba de Albuquerque (researcher), Claudyvanne dos Santos Nascimento Silva (researcher).
Associated Publications:
Master's theses:
Silva, Claudyvanne dos Santos Nascimento (2023). Analysis of Institutional Actors in Creative Economy Initiatives of Crafts in João Pessoa (PB) (Master's dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Managerial Summary: Portuguese | English
Doctoral dissertations:
Silva, Jéssica Micaelly Santana do Nascimento (2024). Stories that Enchant: A Study of Entrepreneurial Narratives in the Promotion of Creative Economy Initiatives based on Cultural Entrepreneurship (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.