Doctoral dissertations

Silva, Jéssica Micaelly Santana do Nascimento (2024). Stories that Enchant: A Study of Entrepreneurial Narratives in the Promotion of Creative Economy Initiatives based on Cultural Entrepreneurship (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.

Abrantes, Luciene Alencar Firmo (2023). Professional Management Field as a Linguistic Process: Understanding the Circulation of Ideas and the Theory-Practice Gap in the Field (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Managerial Summary: Portuguese | English

Sobrinho, João Moraes (2021). The Institutionalization Process of the Manager Profession and the Challenges for its Legitimation in the Brazilian Context (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Managerial Summary: Portuguese | English

Mendes, Maria de Lourdes de Melo Salmito (2021). Institutions, Organizations and Entrepreneurship: Innovative Practices in the Local/Regional Field of Tourism – The Case of the "Route of Emotions" (Piauí Axis) (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Managerial Summary: Portuguese | English