Institutions, Organizations and Entrepreneurship: Organizational and Strategic Practices in Regional Tourism Fields (2018-2021)


Scientific research project





Description and Purpose:

Organizations integrate and participate in the constitution of society, influencing and being influenced by it, with a multifaceted institutional dimension in spheres that condition (i) practices, (ii) social roles, (iii) behavioral patterns, (iv) rules, norms and sanctions, (v) logics, and (vi) interpretive schemes, which guide both individuals and collectivities actions – such as organizations. Thus, entrepreneurship – as a strategic practice for the survival of individuals and organizations – is understood based on pre-existing conditions that shape the behavior and profile of agents who undertake, but also as individuals and social actors (i.e., organizations) strategically positioned in fields of action that institutionally undertake or operate direct changes in institutional constituencies – be that by institutional entrepreneurship actions or performing institutional work that produce deliberate effects (direct and indirect) on certain realities experienced by organizations. The project analyzed how innovation and economic development are institutionally worked and/or undertaken in regional tourism fields, by approaching the South Coast of Paraíba – the case of Conde (PB) – and the Piauí-Ceará-Maranhão region – the case of the "Route of Emotions".


Research findings encompassed the following: (i) the demonstration of the influence that the regulatory, normative and cultural-cognitive elements have, both in entrepreneurial action, as well as in the tourist activity and in Tourism as an economic sector; (ii) the identification of political, technical and cultural actions relevant to the formation of local/regional tourism fields; (iii) the constitution of new and alternative organizational forms that can mobilize, generate and negotiate other organizational designs that enable to produce profound socioeconomic changes, such as more collaborative or coopetitive logics in management and market performance; (iv) the creation and maintenance of a plurality of tourist identities (which has a positive impact on the competitiveness of tourist destinations and locations by highlighting a diversity of attractions to the detriment of other destinations that have more homogeneous identity characteristics); (v) entrepreneurship as a survival and strategic condition for both individuals and organizations (and a fundamental factor in the development of tourist destinations and locations); (vi) the importance of establishing alliances between 'Rural Tourism' and 'Sun and Sea Tourism' in order to create differentials in the so-called "Tourism Experience"; and, (vii) the relevance of adopting a hub-like idea(hub)to a tourist destination or location as something that economically contributes to attracting business, public policies and development for a regional tourism field, in an integrated and distributed way.


Organization Studies; Institutions; Language; Entrepreneurship.


Samir Adamoglu de Oliveira (coordinator), Maria de Lourdes de Melo Salmito Mendes (researcher), Mariene Cavalcante Borba de Albuquerque (researcher), Vivianne Freire Felix (researcher).

Associated Publications:

Articles published in scientific journals:

Albuquerque, M. C. B., & Adamoglu de Oliveira, S. (2022). Trabalho Institucional Identitário no Campo Organizacional do Turismo. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo – RBTUR, 16, e-2554, 1-19.

Albuquerque, M. C. B., & Adamoglu de Oliveira, S. (2020). A Construção Social da Identidade Turística: Uma Visão do Institucionalismo Organizacional. Revista Turismo em Análise – RTA, 31(3), 435-454.

Articles/Abstracts published in event proceedings:

Felix, V. F., & Adamoglu de Oliveira, S. (2019). Empreendedorismo como uma prática socialmente imersa: contribuições institucionalistas. Annals of Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração (EnANPAD), São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 43.

Albuquerque, M. C. B., & Adamoglu de Oliveira, S. (2019). A construção social da identidade turística a partir do Institucionalismo Organizacional. Annals of Seminários em Administração da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade of São Paulo University (SemeAD), São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 32.

Master's theses:

Felix, Vivianne Freire (2020). Empreendedorismo, Modelos de Negócios Alternativos e Desenvolvimento Turístico Local: Um Estudo no Município de Conde – PB (Master's dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.

Albuquerque, Mariene Cavalcante Borda de (2020). O Trabalho Institucional na Construção Social da Identidade Turística do Município de Conde – PB (Master's dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.

Doctoral dissertation:

Mendes, Maria de Lourdes de Melo Salmito (2021). Institutions, Organizations and Entrepreneurship: Innovative Practices in the Local/Regional Field of Tourism – The Case of the "Route of Emotions" (Piauí Axis) (Doctoral dissertation). Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil.
Managerial Summary: Portuguese | English